AUSTRALIAN BORAN DNA RESULTSAverage GeneSTAR Result per Trait per Breed (Table created Jan.2007.)
Reference : http://www.geneticsolutions.com.au/files/pdf/All%20Breed%20Averages%20M4T4FE4.pdf
**These results from Hollow Valley Boran tests on 20 head (included all bulls and the main maternal lines )
Zaire 092.a current stud sire. (DOB 7\04 photo taken 7/06)
An ExplanationGeneSTAR Feed Efficiency4 GeneSTAR® Feed Efficiency4 is a test for four separate DNA markers that affect Feed Efficiency in an animal. This is a four marker test for Feed Efficiency that has been evaluated on animals with measured feed efficiency GeneSTAR Marbling4 GeneSTAR® Marbling4 is a test for four separate DNA markers that affect marbling in an animal. This test enables cattle breeders to select individuals that carry copies of the favourable, high marbling forms of the four markers. The high marbling forms of these markers have been shown in CSIRO research to be associated with increased marbling in cattle. GeneSTAR Tenderness4 GeneSTAR® Tenderness4 is a test for four separate DNA markers that affect Tenderness (measured by shear force) in the carcase. Research shows that animals with more stars are genetically programmed to be more tender, resulting in significantly fewer unsatisfactory eating experiences. http://www.geneticsolutions.com.au/content/v4_standard.asp?name=New_Genestar |
jaco@delvidaboran.co.za |
Tel +27 82 8787 383 |
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